Path to success

Welcome to Mechlog
Mechanised Logging Pty Ltd (MechLog) has provided specialised timber harvesting services to the softwood and hardwood plantation timber industry since 1994.
Based on its success as an innovative forestry services provider over past decades, MechLog’s forestry operations business has continued to grow. Its success is built on a systematic approach to harvesting operations that maximises time and production efficiencies; while being ever vigilant about limiting the impact of its activities on the surrounding environment.
MechLog offers a range of services across Australia, including:
- Forestry operations consultants.
- Forestry equipment mechanical services.
- Harvesting and forwarding ETF clear-fell.
- Harvesting and forwarding softwood clear-fell.
- Harvesting and forwarding softwood thinning.
- Managing haulage sub-contractors
- Work, Health & Safety advisors.
MechLog has always been a leader in adopting the latest technology and introducing it to the Australian timber industry. The intention is to maximise yields for clients from their valuable renewable timber resources.
The company’s philosophy of actively developing and promoting a strong working relationship with their clients and end-user customers has placed the business in a strong position to service the needs of existing and future contract providers.
MechLog appreciates the important role the company performs in relation to harvesting timber, facilitating the onward supply of a quality product to maximise a strong sales outcome, and satisfying the needs of the end user.
MechLog’s ethical and sustainable approach to the forestry industry makes it possible for the company to live its vision of being a preferred provider of harvesting services to the Australian timber industry, while continuing to promote its core value of ‘Forestry with Care’.
Corporate Profile
Our mission is to:
- lead by example
- employ the best people
- exceed the expectations of all our customers
- act fairly and honestly with all our stakeholders
Our Vision
To be respected as an Australian forestry business that promotes the values and benefits of sustainably managed forests.

Mechanised Logging Pty Ltd (MechLog) is an established and respected provider of specialised timber harvesting services to the softwood and hardwood plantation timber industry. The company commenced operations in Northeast Tasmania in 1994. Since then, it has grown to offer operational capability across Tasmania as well as fulfilling contracts in South Australia and Victoria.
Based on decades of success as an innovative forestry services provider, MechLog’s services offering has continued to grow and now includes most aspects of forestry operations as well as a respected training and employee retention programme.
MechLog’s success is built on a systematic approach to harvesting operations designed to maximises time and production efficiencies; while limiting its environmental impact.
The company’s philosophy of actively developing and promoting strong working relationships with clients and end-user customers has ensured the business is in a strong position to service the needs of existing and future contract providers.
MechLog’s ethical and sustainable approach to the forestry industry makes it possible for the company to live its vision of being a preferred provider of harvesting services to the Australian timber industry, while continuing to promote its core value of ‘Forestry with Care’.
Social Licence and Corporate Integrity
Often referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR), in 2021, the European Commission defined CSR by saying: “CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.”
Even before we were aware of this definition, MechLog has adopted both the practice and spirit of CSR in every aspect of our business. At MechLog, we refer to it as Social Licence – how we behave in the communities in which we operate, and Corporate Integrity – how we interact with our stakeholders, such as governments, regulators, clients, our industry peers, employees, and our contractors and suppliers.
Trust and integrity are important foundations to the MechLog business, both of which support the company’s social license with governments, regulators, clients, and the communities in which MechLog operates.
MechLog values its social licence to operate in the sometimes controversial and politically charged forest industries sector. Since its first year of operation, MechLog has taken purposeful steps to build its social licence by supporting the integrity and development of forest industries; and by building trust and awareness of the overall industry and MechLog’s part in its success.
MechLog’s social licence extends to all contracts, which includes maintaining ongoing approval with all our stakeholders, including political and public acceptance of MechLog operations and business practices.
MechLog promotes confidence in its business activities by adopting a proactive, positive role in forest industries and the wider community. The benefits of engaging with all stakeholders in a transparent manner are clear. Stakeholders feel informed and empowered if they are treated respectfully during periods of change and when MechLog commences new operations. This assists MechLog to create a bond of trust and to develop its the social licence with all stakeholders.
MechLog also values education and transparency about its operations and the forestry industry, which helps to reduce public concern, counter misinformation, and build social license.